For Sites

Our Network Serves as a Virtual Extension of Your Site

Populace is charting a course towards establishing a new type of site network, where experienced therapeutic communities take center stage. 

Unlock new revenue opportunities & focus on trial delivery.

Populace provides: 

  • Access to trial opportunities 
  • Improve trial processes with automated feasibility
  • Automated pipeline and backlog
  • Access to back office operating model support services
  • Access to a wide range of bolt on trial solutions as an extension of your site team

Interested in Partnering?

We want highly motivated sites that are focused on continuing to develop practices and processes to become a better site for your patients. 

Step 1. Your site completes an interview process so that we can learn as much as we can about your site.

Step 2. Align on communication, performance goals and strategy to ensure total alignment and focus (i.e: digital platform, sponsor communication(s) to avoid duplication).

Step 3. We begin to identify and distribute relevant trials through the pipeline solutions (providing access to portal with news, opportunities, pipeline revenue forecasting, enablement tools and resources, etc).

Step 4. Populace activates all trials  available within our userfriendly platform to keep you informed and facilitate communications. 

Step 5. While you start to get awarded trials, Populace will be tracking each trial's progress providing updates and valuable insights to increase conversion and overall performance.

Benefits of Populace

A healthy trials pipeline not only helps our sites sleep better at night knowing there is a health pipeline but also ensures they are able to take on and maximize enrollment for the right studies at the right time. A few of the benefits of Populace.

1. Add value to your bottom line with new trials cultivated within your therapeutic interests. 

2. Dedicated reviews of the pipeline with our account management team within the platform.

3. Access to a "AI" (Artificial Intelligence) assistant within the platform that is trained on trial eligibility criteria. 

4. Portal access provides access to an integrated "feasibility questionnaire database" that is connected to each sites pipeline that automatically stores all feasibility information and is a searchable database.

5. Opportunity to represent one of the therapeutic communities as the KOL.

6. Built in trial and drug feeds into your portal which enable daily updates of trial leads, drug development updates that align to your therapeutic interests.

7. Ability to support with research staff, centralized trial enrollment processes and practices.

8. Assess, develop research staff training program

9. Focus on improving quality and trial processes through enhanced workflows.

Join Our Network

Populace strives to ensure that all organizational members align with the shared Mission and Vision and are prepared to fully participate in collaborative action to define and drive patient-centered clinical research. 

During the application process, organizations are invited to share why they wish to join and a summary of their envisioned contributions and participation.